Privacy policy
Please refer to our Privacy Policy page contents.
What are the conditions of access?
- To access the services of the Local Content Stories platform, in addition to accepting these Terms and Conditions, it is necessary to create an Account. The account creation process is carried out on the website, the User must fill in the requested information online.
- You can also register by logging into your Facebook or Google account, which must be done by filling in the credentials required by each of the social networks. In this case, the User will be authorizing the social network to share some of his/her data (name, profile picture, electronic address, date of birth and location) with CLC Solution- Sociedade Unipessoal Lda. During the login process, you can choose which information you want to share.
- The User guarantees the veracity, integrality, and actuality of the submitted information. If the submitted information is considered false, incomplete, or outdated, CLC SolutionSociedade Unipessoal Lda. can deny the user access to the Local Content Stories platform.
- To protect your account, keep your password confidential. The user account is not transferable, and the user is held responsible for any activity that is performed on or through his account. CLC Solution- Sociedade Unipessoal Lda cannot be considered responsible for any improper use of the account.
- The user also declares that will immediately notify CLC Solution, Sociedade Unipessoal Lda if he/she becomes aware of any unauthorized use, or any other violation of security related to his/her account.
- With the creation of the account, the user is entitled to access the network provided by the Local Content Stories platform in accordance with these Terms and Conditions
You acknowledge and agree that any questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback, or other
information regarding the Site ("Submissions") that you provide are non-confidential and shall
become our exclusive property. We shall own exclusive rights, including all intellectual property
rights, and shall be entitled to unrestricted use and disclosure of these Submissions for any lawful
purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you.
You hereby waive all moral rights in such Submissions and warrant that such Submissions are
original or that you have the right to send such Submissions. You agree that there shall be no
recourse against us for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary
right in your Submissions.
Copyright Statement
All text, audio and video material produced exclusively by CLC Solution, Sociedade Unipessoal
Lda is in the public domain. Credit for any use of CLC material should be given to or CLC Solution. However, the content of may
also contain text, video, audio, images, graphics, and other copyrighted material that is licensed
for use only in CLC Solution programming. This material is not in the public domain and may not
be copied, redistributed, sold, or published without the express permission of the copyright owner.
"CLC Solution" and "" are trademarks that may not be used for commercial
purposes without the express permission of the copyright owner. However, you may use a
thumbnail graphic of the logo if you wish to link to the website on your own page. If you wish to establish a link, please send your
request to
The information contained in (the "Service") is for general information
purposes only. CLC Solution- Sociedade Unipessoal Lda, does not assume any responsibility for
errors or omissions in the content of the Service.
In no case CLC Solution- Sociedade Unipessoal Lda, will be responsible for any special, direct,
indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, or any damages, whether in an action of contract,
negligence, or other tort, arising out of or related to the use of the Service or the content of the
Service. CLC Solution- Sociedade Unipessoal Lda, reserves the right to make additions, deletions,
or modifications to the content of the Service at any time without prior notice.
To these Terms and Conditions, as well as to any dispute inherent to CLC Solution- Sociedade
Unipessoal Lda, Mozambican law applies. For the resolution of any disputes, the parties elect the
courts of the Judicial Court of the City of Maputo, expressly renouncing any other.
1. What sort of law is applicable to T&C?
2. Do we need to support this T&C with legar arguments? Like articles and passages from
Law? If any, what?
3. Do we need to have these T&C endorsed by authorities?
4. Is it mandatory to have T&C in by website according to the Mozambican law?
5. In the event of missing information in the T&C, who is responsible for problems that may
arise? Do the disclaimer stated responds to this?
6. How likely are we to be filed in a court dispute in terms of missing information in our
7. Have you ever solved a case related to T&C in Mozambique? If yes, what was the main
reason and what can we do not to go through the same situation?
8. Does the subjectivity of the T&C constitute a big problem? To what extent?
9. Are the T&C universal and applicable to all countries?
10. What should we have included in this T&C in order to classify them as complete?